2022 In Review: A year of driving forward and building on our foundational values

January 10, 2023

2022 was a fast paced year of lessons learned, innovation, growth despite global adversity and some hard-earned fun too! Although it brought unique challenges to the entire staffing industry, the team at Intelletec weathered the ups and downs, grew closer together and reached new heights.

Our secret to going far this year in an unpredictable market? We adapted, kept our flexibility and stayed grounded with Intelletec’s values.

You can see each of these core values reflected over the course of our 2022 in review; in the projects we took on, goals we met, challenges we navigated together and especially in the time we took away from work to build relationships with each other, have fun, take care of our families and ourselves. 

Increased collaboration to overcome challenges together

Market challenges pushed us to a new level of joint effort and commitment to collaboration in 2022. The team at Intelletec had to dig deep and put our heads together to reevaluate processes as well as implement new strategies - and our recruiters were up against a lot this year. 

During the post-covid boom we saw a historic demand for candidates across industries, candidates having options and timelines for closing deals moved faster than ever. Workforce trends and macro-economic forces brought more change in the second half of the year with widespread worries of recession and inflation causing many to scale back hiring and be more strategic.

The course of 2022 really reinforced our belief that remaining consultative but flexible can add great value as a staffing firm. Our team found that even as market conditions changed, we could still be great partners to our candidates and clients - whether we are stretched by volume or in our element with personalized searches.

"Gary and I are so grateful that our team stuck with Intelletec through this confusing year. There has been a lot of unexpected change in the tech recruiting space which can sometimes ruffle a few feathers, but everyone at Intelletec showed amazing commitment, determination and loyalty  which means the world to us. We are so excited about continuing to build on an already incredible team." - Jason, CEO

Respect & lightheartedness were at the center of our year

Like most remote teams, it took a little extra work last year to maintain a virtual culture despite all the craziness. But as the market changed, it was clear that our team had to remain the most important thing.

We scheduled many video-call get-togethers, made space on slack for just sending funny memes and leaned in to support one another through all of the changes. We made the effort to build strong bonds virtually and so much so that when we all met up in-person for bi-annual company trips in NYC and Nashville and incentive trips to the Bahamas and Spain - it was like we never skipped a beat. 

Wonderful things come from collaboration when you enjoy working with your team and you trust them to have your back. We believe that’s a huge differentiator in our relationships with our clients, too.

"I look forward to the bi-annual company wide trips all year - it's so nice to spend time with team in real Life and explore a new city together. We always have the best meals, activities, and nights out as a group. I can't wait until the next one!" -  Katie, Principal Consultant 

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Growth & Innovation in 2022

A brand new Intelletec Website

After 10 years of growth as a company, it was time to update our website. Our goal was to create a modern site that reflects our brand today and also make it super easy for clients and candidates to navigate.

We love what we do and we’re proud to be a boutique staffing firm, so naturally we wanted our website to reflect that. We developed our new website in house (which we’ve never done before!) and conquered a learning curve to revamp important features like our job board. The end result was a website we love and that fully embodies Intelletec. It was a great success, too. After our launch, we saw traffic increase by a staggering 50%!

"We put a lot of time and effort into building the new website and it's been amazing to watch it come to life! We are so happy with how it looks and functions. We have noticed a lot more job applications through the website, and the increased traffic stats don't hurt to see either! Go team!" - Deanna, Information Manager

The First Full Year of Intelletec Energy

Something we are passionate about at Intelletec is our drive to be on the cutting edge of where the market is moving and where our clients need top talent. One exciting venture along this vein was launching Intelletec Energy this year, hiring new team members and developing its website.

Technology recruiting has always been our bread and butter but expanding into the renewable energy space felt like a natural next step for us as we’ve watched how advancements in tech have mirrored innovation happening in renewables.

Building Intelletec Energy was quite the learning experience. We built an incredible team of experienced recruiters but we weren’t able to launch their website until months after they already started recruiting. Even without a website to drive candidates and clients to at first, the energy team was able to quickly add value in partnerships with top clients and started placing amazing candidates! Go Team!

We can’t wait to see how Intelletec Energy will continue to grow and meet market needs as the renewables industry is poised for unprecedented expansion in the coming years.

Market Insights Program

With the launch of our new websites this year, we saw an opportunity to make our industry expertise accessible and extend our role as trusted advisers by creating a blog. Every month you can find new posts on trending topics, interesting thought pieces and industry news for both technology and energy. 

Read our latest piece on the work from home model here and don’t forget to follow along with our Tech and Energy insights!

Continuing Great Partnerships

This year also marked another year in partnership with UK based Venchr, of form part of the Intelletec Group! We have seen great synergy utilizing their data-driven, AI based approach to support our tech clients and find the best talent in the UK and Europe. 

A sneak peek into our year ahead

As we head into 2023, we can’t help but be proud of how far we’ve come and are more optimistic than ever about the future of Intelletec. Our collective drive to innovate and grow together has yielded some great momentum that we are all carrying forward into the year ahead. 

We’re cheersing to a new year of forging into new spaces, building new teams and strengthening our existing ones, breaking our own records and overcoming new challenges, continuing to lean on our foundational values and evolving with the market as a dedicated resource for all of our clients and candidates.

After a challenging year - finishing with a great first full year of Intelletec Energy, the growth of our core Intelletec teams, coupled with finally receiving our GSA Schedule Approval (the approval to start working directly with the US government!) ….we finished 2022 with a lot of excitement buzzing for what’s to come!

Rumor has it we have our eyes on the life sciences industry next 👀So be sure stay tuned for our monthly insights and developments from the team.

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Don’t be a sheep
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