Interviews are always stressful, and the preparation it takes to totally nail it can feel overwhelming. There are many, many articles written on how to perfectly ace an interview - but sometimes it can be best to stick to some fundamental basics. That’s where the 3 E’s come in.
If you appear un-enthusiastic in an interview, especially about the company & its mission, then you can pretty much guarantee you won't be moving forward in the process. Recruiters and hiring managers have a sixth sense when it comes to sussing out how passionate someone is about an opportunity. We all understand how easy it can be to feel tired of the job search process - you often send out multiple applications and hear next to nothing back. Try your best to remain positive and energetic - you never know when that interview could be the one you truly want!
Tip: Avoid taking calls around 3 pm, this is when you are normally crashing - the post-lunch tire!
Always pay attention to how your emails are written - both in grammatical and literary terms. Some recruiters and hiring managers pay very close attention to, and pick up on such errors and flag them as lazy or carelessness for an application.
Tip: try to reply to emails within 12 hours, it shows an eagerness for the role.
Of course, everyone has guides on how best to behave in an interview, and truthfully it completely depends on the sort of company you’re interviewing with and the role there. One of the most important things to remember is to always have your phone on silent - not just vibrate. Even if it doesn’t ring, the buzz of text messages might distract you and leaving it on the table gives a sign to the interviewer that your attention isn’t fully on them
We hope this helps you with any upcoming interviews you may have, and as always if you would like any help with your job search please get in touch!
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